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Men Sunday School
9:30am - 10:25am
When I Became A Man

Sunday School 
9:30am - 10:25am
Share the Grief

Sunday Service



Religious services are under the Essential  Business and Operations category. It is listed as Religious entities: Religious facilities, entities groups and religious gatherings, including weddings and funerals. We are under discretionary terms to stay open, close or continue with online media.

I have determined to abbreviate out worship service and limit our gathering times while under the State protocols given. We will be mindful and cautious, as we continue to be active, but proactive to ensure those who attend our services will have adequate freedom. Please be advised starting Sunday March 29th, 2020, Our Services will be limited to and within 1 hr. Please see the schedule and Protocols.

  1.  Religious Format: Services will begin at 10:45am to 12:00pm to limit prolonged gathering.
  2.  Christian Education Classes/Sunday School: will not be in session until further notice.
  3.  All Bible Study classes: or any other small classes pertaining to spiritual growth will be suspended until further notice. We recommend conducting classes online via Facebook Live and Zoom. Zoom is a computer telephone system network that will allow you to conduct meetings online and through your cellular device. Individual teachers will inform which service (Facebook Live or Zoom) will be utilized through church office.
  4. All teachers must notify the Secretary via phone or email on your teaching preference (Facebook Live or Zoom) in order that we list proper times that can be noted and given to the body of SBC.
  5. All funerals will be hosted for Shiloh Baptist Family only. We will not conduct funerals for outside personnel at this present time. SBC funeral procedures will be initiated and followed.
  6. All weddings are suspended until further notice. This includes parishioners of SBC.
  7.  Choir, Male Chorus, Praise Team and Dance Ministry may keep their scheduled times.
  8. Church Office hours are Monday-Thursday 3:30pm-6:00pm. We ask any non-affiliated members of SBC  to call in advance, email first, and state your reason for appointment and the Secretary will log you for your stated purpose. This is to keep unnecessary traffic flow and limit exposure. Ministers, Deacons, Deaconess, Trustees, Ministry Leaders and Custodians are permitted access during normal hours.
  9.  All meetings involving SBC will be called by the pastor of SBC, including emergency meetings. If a ministry wants to conduct a meeting. It will be via teleconference calls, numbers can be retrieved from the office, Zoom, or any other telecommunication service offered through you cellular device.

Format of Morning Worship: Beginning Sunday March 29th,2020 @ Shiloh Baptist Church. All Christian Education classes on Sunday mornings are suspended until further notice. 

10:45am Call to Worship/Praise Team , Scripture Reading of Sermon Text, Giving, Song, and Message

We Are Not Walking Alone Isaiah 30:21

"The Church That Cares"