
SBC Book Club Adopt 

Franklin Elementary School Project

Dear Family of God:

On behalf of SBC Book Club Laides, we will continue to support Franklin through our Adopt Franklin Elementart School Project throughout the remainder of the school year.  Our support will be ongoing.  We will be in contact with them regularly for updates on needs they may have for students and will keep our Church informed. 

Everyone is welcome to join us as we assist with current needs the school has for students, such as winter coats for boys and girls (various sizes), hats, gloves, socks, and other clothing items.  Ther is an inser in your bulleting that has a list of specifis items needed.  A box labelled for donations is located in the Narthex area of the Church near the double door entrance into the Sanctuary.  If you have any questions concerning this project, please see Sis. Yolanda Mance.

We thank you in advance once again for your continuous and generous support!

Franklin Elementary School is in need of the following for their students:

-winter coats for boys and girls (various sizes

-winter hats and gloves for boys and girls (various sizes)

-leggings for girls (various sizes)

-sweatpants for girls and boys (various sizes)

-underwear for girls and boys (various sizes)

-socks for girls and boys (various sizes)


Shiloh Baptist Church Massil

We will fellowship/combine services with  Morning Star United Holiness Church, Massillon 

 Sunday 12/29/24 @ 10:45 am



Shiloh Baptist Church New Years                   Eve Service                            Tuesday1/24 @ 5:00 pm           at Firendship Baptist Church.            Combined service, choir &                     praise/worship              Min Tyler Thatcher & Min Gino Myers will bring the New Years Message.